Fill Gold Accent Color 3 Sharp Bevel Powerpoint Word Art

Lesson 18: Shapes and WordArt



There are many features and commands yous can use in PowerPoint to create visually highly-seasoned slides. Two of these features are WordArt and shapes. WordArt allows y'all to create stylized text with furnishings such equally textures, shadows, and outlines. You tin can also insert and change a diverseness of shapes like rectangles, circles, lines, arrows, callouts, and stars.

Optional: Download our practice presentation.

Almost WordArt

PowerPoint allows you to add effects to the text inside of a text box, which is known as WordArt. For the nigh part, the types of effects you can add are the same as the ones you can add together to shapes and text boxes (shadow, bevel, etc.). Withal, with WordArt, yous can also Transform the text to requite it a wavy, slanted, or inflated look.

To apply a WordArt style to text:

A WordArt Style will automatically use several effects to your text at one time. You can then refine the look of your text by adding or modifying text effects.

  1. Select a text box, or select some text inside of the text box.
  2. On the Format tab, click the More drib-down pointer in the WordArt Styles group.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Clicking the More drop-downwardly arrow

  3. A drop-down menu of WordArt Styles volition appear. Select the mode you want to use.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Selecting a WordArt Way

  4. The text will announced in the selected style. If desired, you lot can change the font or font color from the Home tab.

To add together or modify text effects:

  1. Select a text box, or select some text inside of the text box. The Format tab will appear.
  2. On the Format tab, click the Text Effects control in the WordArt Styles group.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Clicking the Text Furnishings command

  3. A drib-down menu volition appear showing the different outcome categories. Hover the mouse over an effect category, then select the desired consequence from the menu that appears.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Calculation an upshot

  4. The event will be applied to your text. If you want, yous can combine several different effects.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 The finished WordArt

In the WordArt Styles group, y'all tin can also use the Text Fill and Text Outline driblet-downwardly boxes to alter the fill and outline colour.

Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Irresolute the text fill colour

Working with shapes and text boxes

PowerPoint'due south big shape collection allows you to organize and blueprint the image y'all want. While you may not demand shapes in every presentation you create, they can add visual appeal.

To insert a shape:

  1. Select the Insert tab, then click the Shapes control in the Illustrations group. A drop-down menu of shapes will announced.
  2. Select the desired shape.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Selecting a shape

  3. Click, concur, and elevate in the desired location to add together the shape to the slide.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Inserting a new shape

If desired, you tin enter text in a shape. When the shape appears in your certificate, you tin can simply begin typing. You tin can then use the formatting options on the Home tab to change the font, font size, or color of the text.

Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Entering text in a shape

Modifying a shape or text box

When you lot click a shape or text box, handles will appear that permit you manipulate the shape. There are several types of handles:

  • Sizing handles: Click, agree, and drag the sizing handles until the shape or text box is the desired size. You can use the corner sizing handles to alter the height and width at the aforementioned time.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Resizing the shape

  • Yellow handles: Some shapes have 1 or more xanthous handles that tin exist used to customize the shape. For case, with arrow shapes y'all can adjust the width of the line and arrow tip.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Modifying the shape

  • Rotation handle: Click, hold, and drag the rotation handle to rotate the shape.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Rotating the shape

In improver to resizing, customizing, and rotating shapes, you can align, order, and group them. To learn more, visit our lesson on Arranging Objects.

Formatting shapes and text boxes

PowerPoint allows you to modify shapes and text boxes in a variety of means so you can tailor them to your projects. You can change shapes and text boxes into different shapes, format their style and color, and add together shadow furnishings.

To change to a different shape:

  1. Select the shape or text box you desire to change. The Format tab volition appear.
  2. On the Format tab, click the Edit Shape control. In the carte du jour that appears, hover the mouse over Alter Shape and select the desired shape.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Irresolute a shape

  3. The new shape will appear.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 The new shape

To change the shape fashion:

Choosing a Shape Style allows you to apply preset colors and effects to quickly change the appearance of your shape or text box.

  1. Select the shape or text box yous want to change.
  2. On the Format tab, click the More drop-down pointer in the Shape Styles group.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Clicking the More drop-down arrow

  3. A driblet-downwards menu of styles volition announced. Select the way you want to use.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Selecting a shape style

  4. The shape or text box will appear in the selected style.

To change the shape fill up color:

  1. Select the shape or text box you want to change.
  2. On the Format tab, click the Shape Make full drop-downwards arrow. The Shape Fill bill of fare appears.
  3. Move the mouse over the various colors. Select the color you desire to use. To view more colour options, select More Make full Colors.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Changing the shape fill color

  4. The shape or text box volition appear in the selected color.

If you desire to utilise a different type of fill up, select Gradient or Texture from the drib-downwards carte. Yous can as well select No Fill to make it transparent.

To change the shape outline:

  1. Select the shape or text box you want to change.
  2. On the Format tab, click the Shape Outline drop-down arrow. The Shape Outline menu will appear.
  3. Select the color yous desire to apply. If you want to make the outline transparent, select No Outline.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Changing the shape outline color

  4. The shape or text box will appear in the selected outline colour.

From the drop-downward menu, you can alter the outline color, weight (thickness), and whether or non it is a dashed line.

Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 A thicker outline

To change shadow furnishings:

Adding a shadow to a shape can make it appear as though information technology is floating above the folio, and information technology can help to add together dissimilarity between the shape and the background.

  1. Select the shape or text box you want to change.
  2. On the Format tab, click the Shape Effects drop-downwards arrow. In the menu that appears, hover the mouse over Shadow and select the shadow you lot want to utilize.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Choosing a shadow type

  3. The shape will announced with the selected shadow.

To adjust the shadow color, size, and distance, select Shadow Options from the driblet-downwards carte. The Format Shape pane volition appear on the right side of the PowerPoint window, allowing you to customize the shadow.

Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 The Format Shape pane

3D effects

There are two types of effects you can use to your shapes and text boxes to requite them a 3D appearance: Bevel and 3-D Rotation. Bevel adds thickness and a rounded edge to shapes, but information technology doesn't piece of work with every type of shape. 3-D Rotation gives the appearance that you are viewing the object from a different angle, and it can be practical to any shape.

To add a bevel:

  1. Select the shape or text box you want to modify.
  2. On the Format tab, click the Shape Effects drop-down arrow. In the carte du jour that appears, hover the mouse over Bevel and select the desired bevel preset.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Choosing a bevel preset

  3. The shape will appear in the selected bevel effect.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 The beveled shape

If you want, you lot tin can customize the bevel event. Select iii-D Options from the drop-downwards menu. The Format Shape pane will announced on the correct side of the PowerPoint window. From here, you lot tin can modify the width, top, and depth of a bevel. You can also change the shape'southward material to give it a metal, plastic, or translucent appearance, too equally cull the lighting type to change how the shape is illuminated.

Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Customizing the bevel

To add together 3-D Rotation:

  1. Select the shape or text box you want to change.
  2. On the Format tab, click the Shape Effects drop-downwards pointer. In the menu that appears, hover the mouse over 3-D Rotation and select the desired 3D result.

    Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Choosing a 3-D rotation effect

  3. The shape will appear in the selected 3D rotation upshot.

If you want, you tin customize 3-D Rotation. Select 3-D Rotation Options from the drop-downwardly bill of fare, and the Format Shape pane will appear on the right side of the PowerPoint window. From here, y'all tin adjust the rotation values.

Screenshot of PowerPoint 2013 Customizing the 3-D rotation


  1. Open up an existing PowerPoint presentation. If you lot desire, you can download our practice presentation.
  2. Add together some WordArt effects to the text. If yous are using the example, utilise the text on slide vi.
  3. Insert a shape.
  4. Alter the shape to a unlike shape.
  5. Modify the fill color.
  6. Alter the outline color.
  7. Attempt various shadow effects.
  8. Try various 3D effects.



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